

发布时间: 2024-05-14 03:36:14北京青年报社官方账号



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As the reform involves the interests of all parties, there should be equal participation, with the concerns of the majority WTO members accommodated and the broadest possible common ground pursued. In particular, the development rights and interests of all developing members must be upheld in order to narrow, rather than widen, the North-South gap. The intricacy of the reform determines that a package solution that fixes all problems at the same time would be unrealistic. Instead, prioritization should be sorted out so that the most pressing issues such as the selection of new members to the Appellate Body will be addressed first.


As well he should. He’s designing the next stage.


As the world stares down the barrel of the worst economic slump since the Great Depression, some are doing business like never before.


As the pandemic so far is far worse than most people contemplated, "it means that many of the developing countries and emerging markets will be unable to pay what is owed. The initial response of the G20 was a stay, but the stay is not enough," said Joseph Stiglitz, a professor with Columbia University and a winner of the Nobel Prize in Economics.


As the high price of airport dining has been a topic of concern in recent years, the airport requires enterprises participating in the bidding to sign a letter of commitment to ensure restaurants in the airport will offer food of the same quality, with the same price as what outposts with the same brand offer in the city.


