

发布时间: 2024-05-11 20:35:52北京青年报社官方账号





As one of the dowries given to his eldest daughter by the Duke Wen of Jin, the 2,600-year-old bronze ritual vessel had changed hands in many provinces before being sold overseas. The police took months to identify the location of the lost treasure and related tomb raiders and smugglers.


As of 2017, various tourism performances had been staged 85,753 times, drawing a total audience of 68.21 million, up 61 percent and 145 percent respectively from 2013, Zhou Jiucai, an official with the MCT, said at a press conference.


As of June, there were 3.89 billion internet users around the world, of which 751 million were in China. The enormous number of web users has created room for risk takers in e-commerce, mobile payments and other emerging areas to stretch their wings.


As one of the major cultural events in Macao since 2011, the parade was organized by Macao's Cultural Affairs Bureau and the Macao government Tourism Office.


As one of the greatest inventions in the 20th century, the internet has brought profound changes to our way of thinking, working and living. At the same time, it is prone to security risks and challenges. Wiretapping, attacks and terrorism in cyberspace have become global problems that call for global solutions. This means countries must work together instead of accusing one country for all the problems as some countries recently did against China, not to mention how groundless the allegations are and how absurd the claim of "China threat" to cyber security is. Such actions poison the environment for international cooperation on cyber security and are unfair to China.


